Friday, October 2, 2009

The Map Room is newly renovated!

It took over two months, but now The Map Room is new and improved. We built a lounge in the front of the studio for extra sound isolation and for hanging out when you're not busy in the studio. It's equipped with a sink and cabinets, mini-fridge, toaster oven, and tea and coffee to make you comfy. We also put studio tie lines into the lounge, so that it can be used as another iso room as well. The studio now has quiet and effective heating, cooling and ventilation using some of the most energy-efficient technology available. The live room is more live with a longer reverb time, and very quiet with improved sound isolation. We built new room treatment for our existing iso room, absorbing low frequencies as well as high.

Here's an updated gear list:
We have a Soundcraft Ghost 32 channel console with mute automation which we use with both analog and digital recording gear. We have 2 RME Fireface 800 units fronting our Pro Tools and Nuendo systems. We also have an MCI JH-16 1" 8-track and an Otari MTR-10 1/4" 2-track for those of you who love analog. A lot of the equipment below has been made by the engineers who work in the studio.

Mic Preamps

2 channels Hamptone HVTP2
4 channels Hamptone HJFP2
2 channels Hamptone LCMP
2 channels of JLM Dual 99V
4 channels of JLM Baby Animals
Avalon 737sp

Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressor
(2) Purple Audio MC77

Royer R121
Josephson e22s
Josephson c42 (matched pair)
AKG D112
Oktava MC 012 (matched pair)
Shure SM57 (4)
Neumann TLM103
Audio Technica AT4050
Audio Technica AT4033CL
Audix DP4ADrum mic kit
Rode NT1A
Custom LDC FET with Sony C37 cardioid capsule
Custom LDC FET mic with discrete front and back M7 capsule outputs for pattern-selection during mixdown
Shure SM7B
Shure SM7
Shure SM58
Gyraf G7 multi-pattern tube mics with M7 capsules (pair)
Sennheiser e609

Alesis QuadraVerb
Lexicon MPX-500
Massey plugins: limiter, compressor, tape delay, deesser, EQ, tape head
SIR2 Convolution Reverb

Custom Monitor Controller with talkback section and plasma peak/rms meters
JBL LSR4328 monitors
ADAM A7 monitors
Yamaha NS-10 Monitors
Furman HDS-6 Headphone Distribution System
(4) Furman HR-6 Headphone Remote Mixing Station
(1) AKG K240 Studio
(1) AKG K141 Studio
(1) Fostex T50RP
(2) Fostex T40RP
(1) Direct Sound Extreme Isolation Headphones
(1) Wharfedale powered stage monitor

Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver
Soundtank Tubescreamer
Boss DS-1 Distortion
Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
Boss PS-3 Pitch Shifter/Delay
Line 6 DL-4 Delay
Ross Phaser
Custom Passive DI

Instruments, Amps, and Cabs

Hammond M-3 organ with a 44W Leslie (modded for two speeds)
Pedal for patching instrument and line level signals into Leslie
Fender Rhodes
’77 Fender Super Reverb
Acoustic 406 cab
Tweed Deluxe head
Custom Sumo 2x10 guitar cab with Weber speakers
Hamilton baby grand piano
Serge Modular Synth


dharmabeatdown said...

Hey, Josh. We had a post about recording studios on Crappy Indie Music, so I linked here in the comments. Hopefully it sends some people your way. How have you been?

Maggie Mae said...

yosh, this looks great! if i'm ever in town i'll definitely come by and check it out. as it is, i'm a week away from relocating to LA to pursue sound in the film industry. man, before i ever touched a soundboard i was watchin you work your magic for kingpin. hope life is treating you well!

Jacob said...

Hey Josh - Leslie and I have been listening to the SWG CD - really amazing recording! Your space look really beautiful in the photos.

Hope all is well,


Anonymous said...

Digital Recording Equipment.. I like this post..